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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Crawl, baby crawl.....stand, baby stand.....

Our little one has managed to progress from commando style crawling to proper crawling at around 6.5 months. He's been elated to discover that he can actually move so much faster with his tummy off the floor. I also discovered that his legs are quite strong, they can even take him up slopes.

The above picture was taken at Gymboree, whereby he was encouraged to crawl up a slight elevated slope of about 30 degrees. He managed to reach the top and this mummy was so happy......hahahaha.

And a month later, he started pulling himself up to a standing position in his cot. I know, I really should lower that cot before he falls off.

He is really growing too fast.......and I know I will soon miss this baby stage.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Play, baby play

This cheeky baby is no longer interested in his own baby toys. He is more interested in koko's toys as seen in the picture above. Although there is a 3 year age gap between Josh and Bryant, they play very well together. Of course there's the occasional snatching of toys and resulting cries but nevertheless, it is a joy to watch them playing together. So heartwarming to see them enjoying each other's company.

Recently, B has been babbling more and more. And we can finally make out certain sounds. At 6.5 months, he could say "ba ba". J started with "ma ma" first. And a couple of weeks later, B included "ma ma" in his vocabulary. He loves to "talk" a lot. And he is really cute when he does so.