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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My little boy, a copycat

Yeap, he is already a copycat at 12.5 months old.

Whenever he does something naughty or go near or touch something he is not supposed to, I would usually say "no" very sternly to him. Until a week plus ago, I did not realize that I have been wagging my forefinger when I reprimand him. It was really hilarious to see him wagging his forefinger back at me last week. Since then, he has been wagging his forefinger most of the time when I say "no" to him.


  1. Just imagining it is already cute... Post a video when you are free... :)

  2. heheh.. now it's the time they copy and learn.. got to be careful with our wordings also..

  3. hehehheehe...that's cute. Wait till he starts reprimanding you with the same tone....hehehehe

  4. Agnes, no time for video nowadays, busy chasing him around the house.......
    Cynthia, i know have to be careful, but sigh, sometimes words/actions slip out before we realise it. I remember a scene from Meet The Fockers where the baby's first word was "asshole".
    Barb, i can so imagine him reprimanding me. Even now, he is doing so already, with his screams!
