Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 24, 2010


This mummy has organized a contest in conjunction with Mother's Day next month. So here I go:

What motherhood means to me...........

1) Wet kisses all over my face
2) Tantrums
3) Sleepness nights when baby is ill
4) Bits and pieces of food all over my clean floor
5) .....and also in my hair when baby decides to stroke mummy's head "gently"
6) Endless contact with pee and poop
7) Milk, milk, milk
8) Tripping over toys
9) Good excuse to watch Playhouse Disney
10) Humming 'Twinkle twinkle little star' over and over again
11) Shopping = buying diapers + milk + baby cereal
12) Child friendly restaurant
13) Finding my spatula in my wardrobe
14) Off to the playground........AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

And many many more.......the list is endless cause motherhood is always full of sweet surprises and challenges which you can never predict and prepare yourself for!!!!!!!!!

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