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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Still in birthday mood

After having two birthday parties and one birthday dinner, my little cheeky seems to think that birthdays last forever. In his little innocent mind, he remembers the candles that he blew on his beautiful birthday cakes and the presents that he has received.

He would mention "birthday cake", "Joshie blow candles", "Happy Da Joshie" (which means Happy birthday Joshie, he can only pronounce the word birthday on its own), "uncle give presents" throughout the day. I keep telling him that birthday is only once a year and he needs to wait another year for his birthday! =)

Few days ago, we were playing with PlayDoh. He asked me to help him flatten the playdough and then he stuck a plastic knife vertically into his imaginary cake! He then asked me to sing the birthday song and after that, pretended to blow the 'candle'.

1 comment:

  1. hehhehhehe..so cute. they all love birthdays and blowing the candles huh?
