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Thursday, January 20, 2011

An embarassing moment

We were queuing up at the cashier's at Parkson when my little son walked up to the manequin and touched its crotch. He then turned and said "mummy, kukubird where?"

I told him it's just a manequin and that managed to pacify him. I think the rest of the shoppers were amused when this mummy took out her Iphone and took a picture. I saw the man behind us smiling away.

On another note, Joshie's speech has been improving a lot. He's been talking in sentences and he has also added tons of words to his vocab. However, his recognition of words is deteriorating. Last time, he could recognise more than 15 words from the flashcards but recently, he only reads less than 5. His attention span on flashcards is getting shorter and it's really difficult to get him to concentrate. He's getting more playful. I guess that's how boys are.

1 comment:

  1. muahahahhaahaha...this is a funny one. Kids do/say the darnest thing eh?
