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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Disney on Ice

OK, this is the best photo that I managed to take. It was a good camera, so please blame it on my photography skills. My husband is going to nod his head in agreement, right hubby?

Two Saturdays ago, I brought Joshie to watch Disney on Ice at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Went with two of his friends, Haley and Rion. Besides Mickey and Friends, the kids also saw The Little Mermaid, Lion King and Tinkerbell. However, all three of them were most excited to see Mickey and Friends, mainly because they didn't know the other characters well enough. Oh, and we were glad that we bought Category 1 tickets, otherwise the kids would be sitting too far back to enjoy the show.

After the musical, we headed to the taxi stand but the queue was just too long. Called for a cab but couldn't get through. So we walked with the kids to the nearest MRT station.

Two wobbly toddlers trying to steady themselves in the moving train.

Rion who only slept at midnight the night before was tired, hungry and cranky. Thus she was crying and Motomi had to carry her. We were shocked that nobody stood up to offer her a seat!!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh we went for the Disney On Ice musical too. It was a nice one. Gosh I thought Singaporeans are more civic-minded? no?
