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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Having fun with Oscar

Oscar and his parents, Elke and Daniel live on the same floor as us. It's really good having them as neighbours and we usually visit each other once a week, a good time for Elke and I to catch up and for the two babies to play too.
Oscar watching as Joshie plays with his saliva, yucks!
"hey Joshie, you got lots of hair, and they feel so soft. How I wish my hair would grow faster too"

"How dare you touch my hair? I don't like it!!!!"
Oh no, a samseng in the making??? I'm terribly sorry, Elke. My sincere apologies.


  1. oh, it's so nice to see the kids playing together.

  2. boys are boys ya.. and nice to have someone to play with Joshie.. :)
