I bought this "baby seat" online a few months back. Intended to use it when we are back in KL instead of buying another high chair for Joshie. However, PILs decided to purchase an Inglesina chair for him so this "baby seat" has been left neglected in the storage box.
However, last week when I was feeding Joshie his breakfast on his Fisher Price high chair, he pooped. An explosive one.........there was poop on his high chair too so I brought the whole chair into the bathroom and gave it a good "shower". Haha.......so since his chair was wet, I took out this innovative "baby seat" and he made do with it for 2 meals.
ahhh...nice. I almost wanted to get this last time but decided not to as it's hard to find a good chair to strap her when we are out :D now i have a problem...she's too old for a highchair but too young for a normal chair. It's hard for her to eat in the restaurant :(